Membership Benefits

Have you had a team onboarding with AGMA to learn about your member benefits? Sign your team up today for a quick, personalized meeting and tutorial about all of our programming. Contact for your personalized onboarding to learn all about the resources and benefits included with your AGMA membership.

AGMA Standards

As the national standards development body for the gear industry, accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the Secretary to ISO TC 60, AGMA fosters the use of consensus standards in the global marketplace.

AGMA has 23 technical committees that produce standards designed to meet the needs of domestic and international markets.

AGMA members are encouraged to designate their employees for participation on AGMA technical committees.

Members receive a full set of AGMA standards and all new documents as they are published. Also, members may purchase additional standards at a substantial discount. 

Business Development

AGMA has a number of programs designed for management personnel to keep abreast of market conditions, learn corporate best practices, and most importantly to network with other gear industry professionals.

AGMA Media

AGMA offers members exclusive advertising rates and access to the publications Gear TechnologyPower Transmission Engineering, and Gear Technology India. Through these platforms, gear industry professionals are able to stay on top of trending business information, technology, economics and more to help them lead their organizations. With thousands of readers, customers see an incredible ROI on any advertising done to the end-user markets. 

Motion & Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo)

The Motion + Power Technology Expo, produced by the American Gear Manufacturers Association, connects the top manufacturers, suppliers, buyers, and experts in the mechanical and gear power, electric power, and fluid power industries. No matter which industry you represent, you will gain best practices and new ideas from like-minded colleagues, as well as cross-sector collaboration.

Over three action-packed days, end-users can shop the latest technology, gear products, and services, and compare benefits side-by-side. Prominent exhibitors will conduct demos and host information-rich seminars as well as offer-up technical expertise. This is a great place to grow your business and your contacts. 

Trade Missions

AGMA conducts trade missions, taking members to visit gear manufacturers outside the United States. These missions provide unique opportunities to create business and to learn new techniques.

Strategic Networking & Leadership Forum

This group brings together new and upcoming gear industry professionals from within AGMA membership. Its goal is to provide a dynamic, educational, productive forum to help participants grow, both within the industry and the association. The SNL Forum addresses such topics as leadership, best business practices, AGMA programs and personal development. 

Market Research

AGMA encourages member participation in a number of market reports and salary surveys. These help you keep track of financial trends in the gear industry and allow you to benchmark your company against similar companies and against the entire gear industry. These reports are limited to members only, giving AGMA members the ability to better evaluate, plan, and manage their businesses.

Industry Reports
  • Manufacturing Industry Outlook (MIO) Tracker
  • Presentations for AGMA Members


Members are afforded the opportunity to participate in member-only events including:

Members receive discounts on other AGMA events:

Additionally, AGMA holds several member dinners throughout the year where companies are invited to network with other members in their area.


Members receive discounts to all AGMA Face-to-Face Education and Training.

Every year, AGMA will offer new educational webinars as part of AGMA membership benefits. Employees from AGMA Member companies can access the Workforce Training Series and Webinars as a part of their membership package.  


Employees of member companies can opt in to receive AGMA emails: