Prerecorded – Gearbox CSI: Gears Only

January 1, 1970

This course is a pre-recorded, online, on-demand training.

Course Description

This is webinar focuses on the gear part of the Forensic Analysis of Bearings and Gear course. It helps gear designers gain a better understanding of various types of gears. This is a four-part series where you will learn about properly applying the best gear-bearing combination to any gearbox, simple or complex. 

This course has 11 segments consisting of a total of 10 hours of in-depth discussion of gear failure modes and supporting training documents.

This course is IACET Accredited and worth 0.6 CEUs.ย 

Learning Objectives
  • Apply their understanding of forensic analysis of gearbox failures in future gearbox designs
  • Discuss bearing and gear types
  • Explain how bearing selection is influenced by gear type and loading
  • Select appropriate bearing types and configurations as influenced by gear type and loading
  • Explain how to optimize bearing and gear combinations
  • Identify seven material and manufacturing related defects
  • $795 for member registrant
  • $1295 for nonmember registrant
Photo Release

From time-to-time, AGMA uses photographs, recordings, survey answers and testimonials of AGMA events in its promotional materials and products. Unless this permission is revoked in writing to the AGMA, by virtue of your attendance all attendees agree to the use of their likeness in such materials.


Raymond J. Drago is Chief Engineer of Drive Systems Technology, Inc. (DST), a mechanical power transmission consulting organization that he founded in 1976. Mr. Drago also worked for the Boeing Company โ€“ Helicopters Division until his retirement after 37 years of service. Currently Mr. Drago is involved in the analysis, design, manufacture, assembly, and testing of many gear systems. In his role with DST, Mr. Drago is active in all areas of mechanical power transmission, including the design and analysis of drive systems in a very diverse field of application from heart pumps to very large mining & mill gears. He has used his 53 years of gear technology experience to prepare and deliver more than 150 Technical Papers and 339 courses dealing with various aspects of gear design and analysis.

I started working at Boeing in 1967 and continued until my retirement in 2004. I started Drive Systems Technology in 1976 as a part time activity while still working at Boeing (with Boeingโ€™s knowledge and approval, under strict guidelines) which eventually grew to the point where I retired early from Boeing in order to pursue DST as a full time activity.

You will have 60 days to complete the course, pass the course assessment, and receive your certificate.