TDEC Committee Restructuring Webinar

June 27, 2024

New Committee Restructuring โ€“ Version 2!

In 2023, the Technical Division Executive Committee (TDEC) worked on a technical committee restructuring that replaced the standing, topic specific committees with working groups, which would be focused only on an active project and would fold when the project was completed. Due to feedback received on the change, the TDEC took a step back and re-evaluated the restructuring. This led to a new committee-based structure that takes the good parts of project working groups and merges them with the good parts of technical committees.  The committees are consolidated and include sub-working groups to perform the work on information sheets and standards.

As shown below, we are keeping our committee structure and consolidating from 22 committees to 14. The indented committees will be rolled up into the upper-level committees shown. The yellow highlighted committees are shadow committees for the International Standards Organization (ISO).

The consistency of having a subject-matter based committee will provide members with a stable and familiar โ€œhomeโ€ to share historical knowledge. Committees will be responsible for monitoring the sub-working groups and responding to ISO ballot requests. They will be continual groups that will not fade in and out.

The sub-working groups will be made up of interested technical parties from across the AGMA technical community, including the parent committee, and will consist of a group of active participants interested in the project at hand. Once a project is completed, the working group will disband.  Keeping a working group structure allows for broader engagement, quicker responses to new topics, and quicker publication of documents.

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the important work of the committees, email with any questions.

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