Laser Powder DED – Technical Overview

June 5, 2024

2024 Emerging Tech Webinar Series – June

By using inert argon gas to continuously spray metal powder from a nozzle, the laser melts and solidifies the powder with base materials to manufacture an intended shape. DED metal 3D printers are used for multi-layer materials and components composed of multiple different materials. With an optional second hopper providing powdered metal, LAMDA systems can switch materials during a manufacturing process producing functional gradient materials, which are printed by changing the blend of materials during the manufacturing process.ย Powder directed energy deposition offers a higher deposition rate than powder bed fusion, and, with the introduction of new technology, the process is ideal for printing very large structures as well as adding features to existing components and for repair.

Dwight Smith

Vice President additive manufacturing & marketing


Dwight has over 30 yearsโ€™ experience in the gear manufacturing industry, including metrology, analysis, and project management. Smith also serves as a committee chairman for AGMA, and is an instructor for the AGMA Basic Gear School. He has recently been appointed to lead NIDEC Machine Tool Americaโ€™s additive manufacturing activities.

Tobias Dornai

Application engineer


Tobias is an Aerospace Engineer/Mechanical Engineer with his BA degree from the University of Texas. He gained insightful experience at a California-based additive manufacturing startup developing large-scale DED additive applications.

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